Meet our speakers

Creative AI 2022 will be powered by a diverse range of very creative presenters & guests.

Prof. Eduardo Miranda

Composer and AI Scientist

Eduardo’s distinctive music is informed by his background as a classically trained composer and Artificial Intelligence (AI) scientist. He is known for his research in brain-computer music interfacing and is a pioneer in using quantum computing for music. Currently, he is a Professor of Computer Music at the University of Plymouth, UK, where he leads the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research (ICCMR). His opera Lampedusa, composed with sonification of subatomic particle collisions was recently premiered by BBC Singers.

Werner Bogula

Digital Enabler

Werner Bogula is the inventor of the Creative AI 2022 event series and together with Yalda Zamani the co-curator for the Creative AI Symposium. As an AI enabler at the ARIC Hamburg he is responsible for all things creative that can be done with AI. Werner has studied computer linguistics and is exploring music and text generation with AI models. His dream to break the boundaries between culture and technology has come true with Creative AI 2022.

Yalda Zamani


Co-curator of Creative AI 2022, Yalda Zamani is a conductor based in Germany, Ph.D. candidate and lecturer at the HfMT Hamburg, and co-founder and the artistic director of the Contemporary Chamber Orchestra Elbe. She often engages in the realization and curation of innovative and interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of music and science with a focus on computational creativity and the application of new technologies in music performances. As a passionate advocate for contemporary music, she regularly conducts world premiere performances of living composers at numerous renowned international venues and festivals all over Europe. As a research fellow of the Pro-Exzellenzia program she is giving an example for the increasing proportion of women in leadership positions.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karl Jansen

Quantum Physicist

Prof. Dr.  Jansen is the Head of Center for Quantum Technologies and Applications (CQTA) in Brandenburg. He has done extensive research in particle physics and Quantum Computing. Prof. Dr. Jansen is the author of more than 450 scientific publications which have been cited 14.840 times, he was awarded for his work several times, and is a reputable science manager.  As an amateur musician he is also interested in the creative use of Quantum Computing. 



Artemi-Maria Gioti

Composer and researcher

Artemi-Maria Gioti is a composer and artistic researcher working in the fields of artificial intelligence, interactive and participatory sound art. Her compositions include works for acoustic instruments and interactive electronics, musical robotics and participatory performances and have been performed in Greece, Austria, Portugal, Germany, Denmark, Canada, The Netherlands and in the USA. 

Dr. Tristan Behrens

Computer Scientist

Dr. Tristan Behrens is an expert in AI, an AI composer, and an AI educator. He has a extensive track record in successful Deep Learning projects. His biggest focus are Deep Neural Networks for composition. He has published several albums of music composed with computer.

Branko Presic

Strategist and Teacher

Branko Presic is the founder of BUREAU Paradiso, a brand consulting agency which supports brand owners to understand their brand’s audiences and build relevant brand meaning. After his degree in philosophy and psychology Branko worked for brands from a.o. P&G, Unilever, Mondelez, Diageo, Beiersdorf, LVMH. Beside he is teaching a.o. Brands & Branding, Creative Strategy, International Business Management, Customer Experience Management at Brand University, Miami Ad School and Macromedia.  Branko’s professional experiences with human creativity make for a profound foundation to further explore - together with you - what AI can do for us.

Christoph Faulhaber


Christoph Faulhaber is a conceptual artist, filmmaker, author and performer. He was founding director of Theater Pößneck and Kunsthalle Schaumburg. As the leading head of his production company Protostyle Pictures, he produces semi-documentary, artistic-investigative feature films. His performance "Mister Security", which shows him as a security guard in front of American embassies, and for which he has been on the US Terror Watch List since 2005, received international attention. In 2015, his version of a "Phantom of the Opera" premiered on an open air stage in front of and above the still occupied Rote Flora in Hamburg. In 2021, he launched the Super Artistic AI (SAAI) Factory, an international project dedicated to producing new projects at the intersection of art and AI.


The 2022 Symposium

June  2022

A whole day AI-driven creativity